
RLB Blog


Do I need to file a U.S. personal tax return?

Do I need to file a U.S. personal tax return?
March 12, 2018
| Taxes

If recent media attention, a job offer, travel plans to the U.S., or a new investment opportunity has you concerned about your U.S. personal tax filing requirements, you are not alone. Our U.S. tax team frequently gets asked this question.

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What are the Changes to the Condominium Act? (Part 1)

What are the Changes to the Condominium Act? (Part 1)
February 15, 2018

Bill 106 is an act to amend the Condominium Act of Ontario, 1998, to enact other Acts with respect to Condominiums (i.e. New Home Warranties Plan Act) and the Condominium Management Services Act, 2015. Along with Bill 106, the Ontario Government created two new administrative authorities called the Condominium Authority of Ontario (CAO) and the Condominium Management Regulatory Authority of Ontario (CMRAO).

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Share Your Story: Lakeside HOPE House

Share Your Story: Lakeside HOPE House
February 9, 2018
| By

[caption id="attachment_8329" align="alignright" width="300"] HOPE House Food Market[/caption]

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An In-Depth Look at Managing Your Team

An In-Depth Look at Managing Your Team

Should I Incorporate my NPO?

Should I Incorporate my NPO?

Many charities and not-for-profit organizations (NPO) face the choice of which legal structure to use, whether they are constituted as a trust, an unincorporated association, or a corporation. When hearing the word “corporation”, many people think of for-profit businesses, but did you know that corporations can also be in the form of non-share capital corporations (NSCC), which are used for not-for-profit organizations and registered charities?

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How Do I Make Payments to the CRA for my Business? (Corporate)

How Do I Make Payments to the CRA for my Business? (Corporate)
February 9, 2018

Community Counts: February Edition

Community Counts: February Edition

Students: Do You Need Help with Your Taxes?

Students: Do You Need Help with Your Taxes?
February 9, 2018
| Taxes

Filing tax returns as a post-secondary student can be challenging and all very confusing - we want to help! You and your family can benefit from student-based tax breaks available to Canadian taxpayers. Continue reading my blog to learn more on how you can use a combination of the following tips and tricks to save money for your education.

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U.S. Tax Reform Approved by Conference Committee

U.S. Tax Reform Approved by Conference Committee
February 6, 2018
| By
| Taxes

On December 22, 2017, President Trump signed into law H.R. 1 (originally known as the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act”). Included are some of the most extensive changes to the US tax reform in years, discussed below.

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CSRE 2400, The New Standard for Review Engagements

CSRE 2400, The New Standard for Review Engagements
January 22, 2018

Accounting standards for review engagements have been established and utilized for over 25 years. However, the current set of standards in use for review engagements is set to change for entities with financial statement dates ending December 14, 2017 or later. In order to better align Canadian financial statements with international standards, enabling better, more consistent reporting domestically and abroad, our governing bodies have taken steps to expand the review standards to fit better with International Standard on Review Engagements (ISRE). The result is the new Canadian Standard on Review Engagements (CSRE 2400).

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